At GLSS LTD, we specialize in UPVC door lock servicing and repairs. All UPVC doors are fitted with a multi-point locking mechanisms. This system offers you the best level of security. When you lift the handle and turn the key the door locks at several points. Unfortunately, most people still don’t realise that in order to ensure this system stays as secure as expected, it needs to be fitted with appropriate high security euro cylinder. Most insurance companies now insist on a cylinder lock upgraded to 3 Star TS007 standard. This type of cylinder will prevent lock snapping which is the most popular way to get into people’s houses in Ireland these days. When you have a problem with your UPVC door it’s not always the lock that is causing the issue. In many cases, simple door alignment will deal the door not closing properly. If you find it difficult to engage the door to lock, don’t force your door handle up as this can damage the mechanism and lead to a more expensive repair.
At GLSS LTD, we specialize in UPVC door lock servicing and repairs. All UPVC doors are fitted with a multi-point locking mechanisms. This system offers you the best level of security. When you lift the handle and turn the key the door locks at several points. Unfortunately, most people still don’t realise that in order to ensure this system stays as secure as expected, it needs to be fitted with appropriate high security euro cylinder. Most insurance companies now insist on a cylinder lock upgraded to 3 Star TS007 standard. This type of cylinder will prevent lock snapping which is the most popular way to get into people’s houses in Ireland these days. When you have a problem with your UPVC door it’s not always the lock that is causing the issue. In many cases, simple door alignment will deal the door not closing properly. If you find it difficult to engage the door to lock, don’t force your door handle up as this can damage the mechanism and lead to a more expensive repair.